Current context: 

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has accepted recommendations for judicial reforms in its 133rd Report.

Constitutional Provision on Seat of SC:

  • The Supreme Court, with the President’s approval, may appoint a location in Delhi or other locations as per Article 130 of the Standing Committee Recommendations on Regional Benches.
  • SC may invoke Article 130 to establish its regional benches at 4 or 5 locations in the Country.
  • The Constitutional matters can be interpreted and resolved in Delhi, while regional benches can decide appellate matters.
  • Decision of appellate benches shall be treated as final.

Need of Regional Benches

  • The goal is to enhance ‘Access to Justice’, a fundamental right, by bringing justice to the doorsteps of common citizens.
  • The Law Commission’s 229th Report recommends the establishment of a Constitution Bench in Delhi to address constitutional and related issues.

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