Context: India recorded a trade deficit with nine of its top ten trading partners, including China, Russia, Singapore, and Korea, in 2023-24, according to official data. Key Highlights: India Records
संदर्भ: हाल ही में, भारतीय-अमेरिकी श्रीनिवास कुलकर्णी को खगोल विज्ञान (खगोल शास्त्र) में शॉ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया। अन्य संबंधित जानकारी उन्होंने मिलीसेकंड पल्सर, गामा-रे विस्फोट, अधिनव तारा (सुपरनोवा)
Context: Recently, Indian-American Shrinivas Kulkarni was awarded the Shaw Prize in Astronomy for More on the News: He won this prestigious Shaw Prize in Astronomy for his ground-breaking discoveries about millisecond pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae,
संदर्भ: हाल ही में, दूरदर्शन (डीडी) किसान ने अपने टेलीविजन चैनल को नए अवतार में प्रसारित करने हेतु दो आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस एंकर (AI Anchor) प्रस्तुत किए हैं। एआई एंकरों का परिचय हाल ही में,
Context: Recently, Doordarshan (DD) Kisan launched two Artificial Intelligence anchors to present the television channel in a new avatar. About AI anchors Doordarshan (DD) Kisan, a channel dedicated to agriculture and the rural community,
Context: Twelve countries have endorsed the Zero Debris Charter at ESA/EU Space Council. Key Points: About Zero Debris Charter What is Space Debris? Initiatives for Space Debris Mitigation Also Read:
संदर्भ: 77 वें कान फिल्म महोत्सव (Cannes Film Festival) में भारत का प्रदर्शन अभूतपूर्व रहा, जिसमें 2 फिल्म निर्माताओं, 1 अभिनेत्री और 1 छायाकार ने विश्व के अग्रणी फिल्म महोत्सव में शीर्ष पुरस्कार जीते है।
Context: Recently, BIMSTEC will now be open to new members and observers after a historic first charter of the grouping came into force. More on the news: About BIMSTEC: The purposes of
Context: Three Indian cities make it to the top 50 Startup cities in Pitch Book's 2024 rankings. More on the news About Pitchbook List of Top 5 Cities RankCityCountryDevelopment Score1San FranciscoUnited States89.502New
Context: Recently, Spain has become the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA). More on the news About International Solar Alliance (ISA) Also Read: Launch of India’s RuPay Service in the