
The Embassy of Israel in India, officially joined the ‘Million Miyawaki’ project.

More on the news

  • The Million Miyawaki Foundation, a non-profit organization, collaborated with the Israeli embassy to join the ‘Million Miyawaki’ project.
  • The Million Miyawaki project is a community-led initiative aimed at improving air quality in Indian cities through mass afforestation in tight urban spaces.
  • This project aims to plant a million trees in Delhi-NCR by creating ‘forest-like’ Miyawaki plantations of 600 trees each, with a variety of up to 30 different locally sourced species.

About Miyawaki Method

  • It is developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, it focuses on replicating natural forest regeneration processes to establish ecologically diverse and resilient ecosystems.
  • The Miyawaki Method is a technique for creating dense, native forests quickly. 
  • The method emphasizes using only plant species native to the specific area.
  • Trees are planted very close together, mimicking natural forest density. This encourages competition for light and resources, leading to faster vertical growth and maximizing canopy cover.

The benefits of a Miyawaki forest

  • Forests created using the Miyawaki Method grow 10 times faster than traditional plantations and reach maturity within 20-30 years. 
  • The diverse plant communities provide habitat for a wide range of species, promoting a healthy ecosystem. 
  • Due to its focus on small spaces and minimal maintenance, the Miyawaki Method is well-suited for creating urban forests and green spaces in cities.
  • It increases soil- and forest biodiversity
  • It increases carbon sequestration, increases forest resilience, and reduces maintenance costs.          

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