
India has recently become a member of the Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE).

About Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE):

  • Aim: GACERE is a group of countries working together to promote a fair global shift towards recycling and using resources wisely.
  • Established by the European Union (EU), in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).


  • Total Members: Currently comprises 17 member countries, including prominent nations like Canada, Japan, Switzerland, India, and the European Union.
  • Observer Countries: Mexico and Singapore participate as observer countries, indicating broader interest and engagement in the alliance’s objectives.

Working Areas:

Advocacy for a Just Transition:

  • Focus on achieving sustainable consumption and production.
  • Contribution to Paris Agreement goals, biodiversity preservation, and pollution reduction.

Mapping Domestic Policies:

  • Study existing policies and frameworks supporting circular economy transition and industrial symbiosis.
  • Emphasis on successful policies promoting just transitions and sustainable human development.

Identifying Barriers and Gaps:

  • Recognize obstacles in decoupling economic growth from resource use and biodiversity loss.
  • Explore opportunities for greener global value chains.

Research and Governance:

  • Address research needs and governance improvements.
  • Focus on specific resources and global coordination.
  • Facilitating Global Conversations: GACERE’s efforts align with global goals such as the Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
  • Conclusion: It provides a platform for global collaboration on circular economy and resource efficiency. Its objectives encompass advocacy, research, partnership-building, and governance improvement. 

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