
Recently, the Principal Scientific Advisor announced that the ‘Deep Tech’ Policy was sent to the Union Cabinet for approval.


  • In July 2023, the Union government introduced the ‘Draft National Deep Tech Startup Policy (NDTSP)’ for public input.
  • This draft aims to establish a comprehensive policy framework to strengthen and support the Indian Deep Tech Startup Ecosystem.
  • Presently, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry recognizes over 10,000 startups, spanning various sub-sectors within the deep tech domain.

About National Deep Tech Startup Policy (NDTSP):

The policy is strategically crafted to nurture innovation, propel economic growth, and facilitate societal progress through the effective deployment of research-driven deep-tech innovations.

It centres on empowering deep tech startups to bolster India’s financial stability, progress toward a knowledge-centric economy, and ultimately enhance overall productivity.

Its vision, dubbed “Deep Tech of India,” underscores safeguarding India’s economic future, seamlessly transitioning to a knowledge-driven economy, reinforcing national capability and sovereignty through self-reliance, and promoting ethical innovation.

Thematic Priorities:

  • Emphasizes nurturing research, development, and innovation;
  • Fortifying the intellectual property regime;
  • Easing access to funding;
  • Enabling shared infrastructure and resource sharing;
  • Establishing conducive regulations, standards, and certifications; attracting human resources and fostering capacity building; and
  • sustaining deep tech startups.


  • Nurturing the Research, Development & Innovation Ecosystem: To increase Gross Expenditure on R&D to revitalize basic research, development, and innovation, cultivating a robust science base for deep tech startups and fostering a pool of trained scientific human resources.
  • Technology Commercialization: To foster innovation by facilitating partnerships between academic institutions, research labs, and industry, promoting technology commercialization in areas such as AI, Blockchain, biotechnology, drones, and quantum computing.
  • Open Science and Data Sharing Platform: To advocate for establishing an Open Science and Data Sharing platform to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders to propel deep tech innovations.
  • Strengthening India’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Regime: To establish a Single Window Platform for a Unified IP Framework customized for deep tech startups, guiding streamlining the patent application process.
  • Strengthening Global Competitiveness: To enhance India’s position in global IP-related conventions, cross-border IP protection, and provisions in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), while establishing a mechanism for evaluating suitable amendments in the National IPR Policy.
  • Enabling Shared Infrastructure and Resource Sharing: Access to shared infrastructure at nominal fees is proposed to reduce initial capital expenditure for startups.

Major Concerns: 

  • Insufficiency of funding for deep tech startups, with only 10% falling under this category, and a decrease in investments, particularly in late-stage funding.
  • Additionally, challenges arise from competition with China, along with resource and infrastructure constraints, and understanding risks associated with frontier technologies.

Way Forward:

  • International initiatives within the Indian Deep Tech Startup ecosystem, such as the Indo-US Joint Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (2020), and the Indo-Israel Deep Tech & Life Sciences Mission.
  • The Indo-Japan Deep Tech & Startups Partnership can be effectively leveraged to advance deep tech endeavours in India.

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