
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) organized the 24th edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) in New Delhi.

About the 24th World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS)

  • The theme of WSDS 2025 is “Partnerships for Accelerating Sustainable Development and Climate Solutions.”
  • The summit will emphasize the pivotal role of partnerships in achieving global sustainability goals.
  • It is the annual flagship multistakeholder convening, instituted in 2001, is organized by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
  • Goal: Provide a platform for global leaders to engage in discussions and knowledge exchange. 
  • Action Plan: Adopt a solution-oriented approach to strengthen partnerships across governments, businesses, civil society, and other key stakeholders, aiming to drive meaningful change and long-lasting impact.

Global progress on SDGs

• Current status:  

  • Only 14% of SDG targets are on track
  • 20% of the targets are not being tracked. 
  • 14% of targets are showing regression (including those related to hunger, education, employment, and the environment).

• Global Stocktake (comprehensive assessment of the world’s progress towards achieving the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement on climate change):

  • The first global stocktake highlights the urgency, showing that to meet the temperature targets.
  • To meet temperature goals, emissions need to be reduced by 43% by 2030.
  • Current Nationally Determined Contributions are only projected to achieve a 2% reduction in emissions.

Overview of India’s Progress for Sustainable Development

• Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: In 2020, India successfully reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 7.93%, demonstrating its commitment to combating climate change.

• Emission intensity to GDP: India reduced its emission intensity of GDP by 36% between 2005 and 2020.

• Net-Zero Target: India has a target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070. 

• Transformative initiative: India has taken significant steps with initiatives like 

  • The International Solar Alliance (ISA).
  • The Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
  • Mission Lifestyle for Environment (Life).

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) 

  • TERI, formerly known as the Tata Energy Research Institute, was founded in 1974.
  • Later in 2003, the body was renamed as The Energy and Resources Institute. 
  • TERI is an independent, multi-dimensional organization, with expertise in research, policy, consultancy and implementation.
  • TERI’s mission is to usher transitions to a cleaner and sustainable future through the conservation and efficient use of energy and other resources, and innovative ways of minimizing and reusing waste
  • Registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860, TERI is a research institute which is Headquartered in New Delhi, India.