Context: The National Institute of Siddha (NIS) has set a Guinness World Record by providing Varmam therapy to 567 people at once, an event held at their campus in Tambaram, Chennai.
About Varmam Therapy
Varmam therapy involves manipulating specific points in the body, called Varmam points, where pranic energy is concentrated. By applying controlled force for a specified duration, the therapy releases blocked energy, restoring the flow of prana and providing relief from pain or dysfunction.

Varmam therapy is classified as follows.
- Noi Nilai Maruthuvam (Treatment in diseased conditions)
- Kaaya Nilai Maruthuvam (Treatment in traumatic conditions)
Varmam therapy includes:
- The location of Varmam points
- (ii) Observation of the signs and symptoms of Varmam assault.
- Application of techniques for releasing affected Varmam (Ilakku Murai).
- Manipulation over the vital emergency Varmam points, (Adankal) if the patient is unconscious
- Use of medications such as nasal drops (Naciyam) and ear
- In Varma Maruthuvam, there are three specific techniques designed to stimulate the Varmam points and Adangal points, where pranic energy is abundant.
- Massage (Thadaval) For stimulating the Varmam points massaging technique can be used. There are different types of massaging techniques. (E.g. clockwise, anticlockwise rotatory movements with fingers, stretching the fingers from one Varmam point to the other points or regions of the body. By using varma thadaval (massaging), we can alleviate the problems arising due to ¼ mathirai visai (pressure).
- Tapping (Thattal) In this technique, to stimulate Varmam points and adangal points, we can use both hands and feet. While using the hand, we can use palmar or dorsal sides of hands. In case of doing with foot, dorsal aspect is preferred. It is most often used in adangal techniques. Tapping can be done with mild, moderate and strong pressure. According to the need, tapping can be done 1, 3 or 5 times. By using Varma tapping we can alleviate the problems arising due to ½ mathirai visai.
- Pressing (Amartthal) It is the technique of giving a specific pressure. The pressure can be given with fingers (or small objects like tamarind seed) on Varmam points, for alleviating the problems which arise due to 1 mathirai visai.