
Recently, Scientists have successfully mapped brain activity using ultrasound technology.

More on the news

  • The research team includes scholars and neurosurgeons from the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Southern California. 
  • Scholars developed a method to observe the brain intricacies with unprecedented clarity.
  • They achieved this by installing an ‘acoustically transparent’ window into the skull of a volunteer, which allowed them to use functional ultrasound imaging to capture the brain’s activity.
  • The ultrasound waves passed through the window in his skull, bounced off the brain tissues, and returned to the probe, providing a real-time map of blood flow and neuronal activity
  • The focus of the study was on the posterior parietal cortex and the motor cortex regions known for their role in coordinating movement.
  • Researchers could indirectly track the activity of brain cells by assessing changes in blood volumes within these areas.
  • Active neurons demand more oxygen and nutrients, which are delivered via increased blood flow.

Significance of the Ultrasound technology

  • It provides a less invasive alternative to the current brain mapping method, which often requires more intrusive procedures.
  • It opens possibilities for better understanding neurological conditions and developing more effective treatments.
  • It provides the ability to monitor brain activity in real time, and outside medical facilities offer a new avenue for neuroscience research.

Traditional brain imaging technologies

  • Computed Tomography (CT) 
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan

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