
Recently, The two-day international Peace Summit on Ukraine in Switzerland concluded.

Key Highlights:

  • Overview of the Summit: Participants expressed hope for ending the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
    Out of the 100 attending delegations, 80 countries and four organizations supported the final joint communiqué from the Path to Peace Summit, aimed at resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has persisted since February 2022.

Key Points of the Declaration: It highlighted the extensive human suffering and destruction caused by the war and its global repercussions, stated the declaration, which focused on three key agendas: nuclear safety, global food security, and humanitarian issues.

  • The declaration called for the complete exchange and release of all prisoners of war.
  • It demanded the return of deported and unlawfully displaced Ukrainian children and civilians.
  • Ukraine Remarks: Ukraine praised the summit as a diplomatic success, expressing optimism for a second peace summit aimed at achieving a just and lasting settlement. 
  • Switzerland Remarks: Switzerland described the communiqué as a strong signal from the international community for peace based on international law and the UN Charter.

Non-Western Countries Position: India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates notably abstain from signing the document. Brazil, the current G-20 chair, attended only as an observer while China did not Participate in the Ukraine Peace Summit 

  • India’s Position: India rejects consensus at Ukraine peace summit, calls for bilateral proposals agreeable to both Russia and Ukraine can bring about peace. And send a diplomatic delegation rather than a political one.
  • Turkey’s Perspective: Turkey noted that the summit could have been more result-oriented if Russia had participated and reiterated its willingness to facilitate peace talks between the conflicting parties.
  • Western Countries Stance: During the summit, Western leaders emphasized that Ukraine is the victim in this conflict, and peace should not equate to surrender, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s conditions for peace negotiations.
  • Russia’s Absence: Russia was not invited by host Switzerland. This raised questions about the summit’s effectiveness.
    Switzerland, unlike China, India, or the United States, is a signatory to the Rome Statute and adheres to decisions of the International Criminal Court, which has indicted the Russian President for alleged war crimes.
  • Call for Inclusive Dialogue: The communiqué highlighted the importance of involving all parties in dialogue to achieve peace. It emphasized the need for future engagement with all parties, including Russia.
  • Future Peace Summit: Ukraine expressed the hope that the next summit would include Russia, emphasizing that peace must be just and lasting.

About The International Criminal Court (ICC) 

  • It is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal located in The Hague, Netherlands, and governed by an international treaty called ‘The Rome Statute’.
  • It is the first and only permanent international court that prosecutes individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.

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