Context: Recently, the Indian Air Force’s helicopter was deployed to extinguish the raging forest fires in Nainital district, Uttarakhand. About the Bambi Bucket: Advantages: Also Read: India-Russia joint venture to manage
Context: Recently, a joint venture between an Indian and a Russian firm has been awarded the management of Sri Lanka's Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA) in Hambantota. More on the
संदर्भ: हाल ही में, चीन की यात्रा पर अमेरिकी विदेश मंत्री एंटनी ब्लिंकन ने चीन से घातक फेंटानील और इसके पूर्ववर्ती (प्रीकर्सर) पदार्थों के उत्पादन और निर्यात पर चर्चा की । अन्य
संदर्भ: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आलू केंद्र की दक्षिण एशिया क्षेत्रीय केंद्र (सीआईपी-एसएआरसी) की स्थापना आगरा में होने की उम्मीद है। अन्य संबंधित जानकारी 2017 में, सीआईपी ने अपना पहला एशिया केंद्र चीन में स्थापित किया,
Context: Recently, the 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement is being celebrated by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Background of Marrakesh Agreement: The World Trade Organization (WTO): The World Trade
Context: Recently, on a visit to China, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the production and export of deadly fentanyl and its precursors from China. More on the News About
Context: Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that the denial of childcare leave to women violates their "constitutional rights" to participate in the workforce. About the case: What has the SC said in
Context: National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) data reveals that in the last two years, typhoid, dengue, malaria, scrub typhus, and influenza have emerged as a public health concern. Key highlights: VectorDisease causedType
Context: The Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC) has adopted a New Logo and Motto. More on the news About Motto The Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC) Also Read: Supreme Court Decision on EVM-VVPAT
Context: Microsoft recently introduced Phi-3-mini, its latest small language model (SLM), which has acquired attention for its impressive performance. Background: Understanding Language Models: Phi-3-mini Features: Phi-3-mini Performance: Real-World Implementation: ITC