Context: GST collections surged to a record ₹2.10 lakh crore, representing a notable 12.4% year-on-year growth. More on News Reasons given for increased GST collections: About Goods and Services Tax
Context: The Embassy of Israel in India, officially joined the 'Million Miyawaki' project. More on the news About Miyawaki Method The benefits of a Miyawaki forest Also Read: Padma Awards-2025
Context: Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi assumed command of the Indian Navy on April 30, 2024, as the 26th Chief of the Naval Staff. More on the News About Admiral Dinesh K
Context: Recently, International Labour Day (ILD) was observed on 1st May. Significance Origin of International Labour Day Also Read: Combined Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) for March 2024
Context: The ICI increased by 5.2% (provisional) in March 2024 compared to March 2023. Key findings: Eight Core Industries (ECI) List of Eight Core Industries: Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
Context: The Supreme Court restored Rs 5 lakh compensation awarded by the district consumer forum in a medical negligence case, citing misapplication of the 'eggshell skull' legal principle by the
Context: AstraZeneca recently admitted a possible link between its vaccine and Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) in very rare cases. Background: Key Points: Reported Cases in India: Key facts: Government
Context: Palaeontologists from Argentina have discovered a new medium-sized herbivorous Dinosaur that lived approximately 90 million years ago. About Chakisaurus Nekul Name: Characteristics: Geographical: Size: Discovery A team of Argentine paleontologists with the support of
संदर्भ: भारतीय उष्णकटिबंधीय मौसम विज्ञान संस्थान (आईआईटीएम) , पुणे के वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा हाल ही में किए गए एक अध्ययन से पता चलता है, कि हिंद महासागर अभूतपूर्व और तीव्र गति से
संदर्भ: मार्च 2023 की तुलना में मार्च 2024 में आठ प्रमुख उद्योगों(Eight Core Industries) के सूचकांक (आईसीआई) में 5.2% (अनंतिम) की वृद्धि हुई। अन्य संबंधित जानकारी: मार्च में, भारत के