Inland Waterways Authority of India’s (IWAI) Intermodal Terminal (IMT) at Kalughat in Bihar has received five-star SVAGRIHA rating from GRIHA council.
More on News
- The terminal is part of the IWAI’s infrastructural upgrades under the World Bank-funded Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) to enhance the capacity of National Waterway 1 (connects the Ganga, Bhagirathi, and Hooghly rivers from Haldia to Allahabad).
- IMT Kalughat earned a five-star rating for its commitment to environmental sustainability by using recyclable materials, such as fiber, glass, paint, and sanitary fixtures, in the terminal’s construction.
- IMT Kalughat on NW 1 is vital for transporting cargo to and from the hinterland of North Bihar. Additionally, it offers connectivity to Nepal for EXIM cargo.
About SVAGRIHA Rating
- SVAGRIHA rating that stands for Simple Versatile Affordable GRIHA – supports the concept of green buildings and sustainability under Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA).
- It was developed as a simple guidance-cum-rating tool to ramp up its adoption by general masses and further minimize the GHG emissions caused by small-scale constructions.
- It is a joint venture of Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
- Eligibility: All new construction projects with built up area 100 m2 ≤ x ≤ 2500 m2 are eligible for certification under SVAGRIHA V. 3.
- Rating Framework:
- SVAGRIHA is a 50-point percentile-based rating system and the rating will be done on a 1–5-star scale.
- There is as section of ‘Innovation’, which acts as a bonus section. A project team can achieve a maximum of 2 points from this section.

• These sections are further divided into 14 criteria that act as both design guidelines and point scoring parameters for the project.
• Validity: The rating, valid for up to 5 years.