
The Union Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj is to inaugurate a pilot project titled ‘Smart Gram Panchayat’ in Begusarai district, Bihar.

Key highlights:

  • The government has initiated a pilot program to digitize Gram Panchayats in the Begusarai district (Bihar) which extends the PM-WANI (Prime Minister’s Wi-Fi Access Network Interface) services in these rural areas.
  • Begusarai will pioneer as the first district where all Gram Panchayats will be outfitted with Wi-Fi services under the PM–WANI Scheme.
  • It aims to extend the PM-WANI service to 455 Gram Panchayats across 37 Blocks in the Begusarai and Rohtas districts of Bihar for the Financial Year 2023–24.
  • The Department of Panchayati Raj, Bihar (under collaboration with BSNL) will ensure the efficient implementation & operation of the project, and also conduct regular reviews to monitor progress and performance.

About Smart Gram Panchayat Program-Towards Digitalization of Gram Panchayat: 

  • This initiative is financed under the revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA), which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj.


  • It will help to bridge the rural-urban digital divide and foster accountability and efficiency in local self-governance.
  • To achieve the vision of an inclusive and empowered Grameen Bharat.
  • Promoting accountability and efficiency in local self-governance.

PM-WANI: Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface: 

  • It is under the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology.
  • Aim: To enhance the proliferation of public WiFi hotspots and also create robust digital communications infrastructure in the country, especially in rural areas.

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