
Recently, Paraguay officially became the 100th country to join as a full member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA).

More on the news:

  • Ambassador of Paraguay recently presented the Instrument of Ratification during a meeting with the Head of the Depository (Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs of India), in New Delhi.

About International Solar Alliance:

  • India and France launched the ISA together during COP21 in Paris in 2015, with the goal of supporting the Paris Climate Agreement through rapid and extensive deployment of solar power.
  • ISA’s headquarters is located in Gurugram, India.
  • It aims to enhance energy access, ensure energy security, and facilitate the global shift towards renewable energy among its member countries.
  • Now 119 countries have signed the ISA Framework Agreement, and 100 countries have submitted their Instrument of Ratification. 
  • Earlier this year, Spain became the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance.
  • The ISA serves as a vital platform for international collaboration, uniting nations in their efforts to combat climate change and transition towards clean energy sources on a global scale.

India’s role in expanding ISA:

  • India, under its leadership of the ISA, is actively promoting renewable energy solutions worldwide, particularly in developing countries. 

During its presidency, India has initiated several impactful projects such as: –  

  • solarizing Malawi’s Parliamentary building, 
  • establishing solar-powered healthcare centers in Fiji, 
  • setting up a solar-powered cold storage facility in Seychelles, and 
  • installing solar PV rooftop systems in Kiribati. 

These efforts also include providing technical training to experts from member countries to enhance their capabilities in solar energy.

  • India’s stewardship of the ISA reflects its strong commitment to sustainable energy and environmental responsibility. 
  • Through technology transfer, capacity-building programs, and bilateral agreements under the ISA framework, India continues to advance the global adoption of affordable and sustainable solar energy solutions.

Procedure for becoming a member of ISA:

  • Certified copies of the framework agreement are provided by the Ministry of External Affairs of India, the designated Depository of the ISA Framework agreement.
  • After that, the executive approval for signing and ratifying the ISA framework agreement is done.
  • Certified copies of the framework agreement of the ISA are to be signed in original in three languages – English, Hindi, and French.
  • Then the signed framework is to be submitted to the depository.
  • After signing, the formal instrument of ratification, acceptance of approval needs to be deposited with the depository of the ISA to acquire full membership of the ISA.

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