
Recently, Issa Amro, a Palestinian activist, received the Right Livelihood Award for his organization, Youth Against Settlements (YAS). 

More on the News:

The Youth Against Settlements (YAS) group was awarded the prize for its “steadfast non-violent resistance to Israel’s illegal occupation, promoting Palestinian civic action through peaceful means.” 

  • The West Bank currently hosts around 475,000 Israeli settlers, with settlements considered illegal under international law since Israel’s occupation in 1967. 

The Award was also given to two activists from the Philippines and Mozambique and to a U.K. pioneering research agency.

In the Philippines, indigenous activist Joan Carling was recognized for her leadership in defending Indigenous peoples, their lands, and cultures, while amplifying their voices amid the global ecological crisis.

Mozambican environmental activist Anabela Lemos, director of Justiça Ambiental, was honoured for empowering communities to resist exploitative mega-projects and demand environmental justice. 

  • This marks the first time Mozambique has received the award.

Forensic Architecture, based at the University of London, was recognized for pioneering digital forensic methods to secure justice and accountability for victims of human and environmental rights violations. 

About YAS

  • Issa Amro founded YAS to combat the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which are widely regarded as illegal by the international community.
  • His activism has led to multiple detentions and torture by both Israeli forces and the Palestinian Authority, highlighting the risks faced by those advocating for peace and justice.

The Right Livelihood Award:

  • The Right Livelihood Award, often referred to as the “Alternative Nobel Prize,” was established in 1980 by Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull to honour efforts that are overlooked by traditional Nobel prizes.
  • Since its inception, it has honoured 198 laureates from 77 countries, celebrating their contributions to creating a better world through innovative solutions and courageous activism.

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