
NHAI will increase Green Cover along the National Highways using Miyawaki Plantations.

Key Highlights:

NHAI’s Vision for Green Highways

  • To achieve the goal of covering National Highways with green vegetation, NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) under the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, is set to launch a unique initiative by establishing Miyawaki plantations on land parcels adjacent to various highways.
  • More than 53 acres of land in and around Delhi-NCR have been designated for this purpose.

Significance of the Project:

  • The development of Miyawaki Forests will contribute towards the creation of a resilient ecosystem, offering a range of benefits to both the environment and the local community.
  • Using the Miyawaki method, increasing green cover will enhance the overall health and well-being of citizens living along National Highways and improve the aesthetics and pleasure of commuting. 
  • Based on the success of the Miyawaki plantations in Delhi-NCR, this pattern will be replicated across the country.

About the Miyawaki Method

  • The Miyawaki method involves creating dense, native forests by planting a variety of indigenous species close together. Named after Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, this technique mimics natural forests and encourages rapid growth and biodiversity.

Key Features:

  • Native Species: Focuses on planting indigenous trees and shrubs that are suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
  • High Density: Trees are planted very close together, resulting in a dense forest.
  • Multi-Layered Vegetation: Includes a variety of plant species that grow to form different layers, from shrubs to canopy trees.


  • Rapid Growth: Trees grow up to 10 times faster than in conventional plantations.
  • High Biodiversity: Supports a wide range of flora and fauna, enhancing local biodiversity.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Absorbs more carbon dioxide compared to traditional reforestation methods.
  • Soil Improvement: Enriches the soil with organic matter, improving its fertility and water retention capacity.
  • Urban Cooling: Helps in reducing urban heat island effects and improving air quality.

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