
Recently, the Karnataka government has introduced the ‘Naavu Manujaru’ program in schools to promote social harmony and instill constitutional values among children.

About Naaru Manujaru Program:

  • Announced in the State Budget of 2024-25, the initiative aims to make educational institutions centers of social tolerance and scientific temper.
  • The program mandates two hours per week for discussions and dialogues in all government, aided, and unaided primary and high schools.
  • This includes one period for value education and two periods for Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW), which will be adjusted with the existing curriculum.

Main Objectives of the Naaru Manujaru:

Educational Objectives:

  • Discussions will focus on promoting social harmony, tolerance, and understanding through topics like local and national festivals, folk games, and sports.
  • Emphasis on the teachings of social reformers, visits to local sites, and discussions on family structures, elimination of inequality and constitutional values like equality, liberty and fraternity will be part of implementing the programme.

Promoting Scientific Temper:

  • The program aims to develop scientific awareness among students, emphasizing environmental consciousness and eradicating superstitions.
  • Activities include conducting science experiments, promoting questioning attitudes, and integrating everyday science applications.

Encouraging Co-existence:

  • Group activities will highlight community practices like midday meals and sahabhojana (community lunch), fostering inclusivity and equal opportunity awareness.
  • School garden management, indoor and outdoor games, and desi sports will encourage participation and shared responsibility.

Administrative Oversight of the Program:

  • The Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT) is the implementing authority, coordinating with district-level officers and appointing nodal officers for oversight.
  • No additional grants are allocated for the program.

Impact of the Program:

  • The program will help nurture independent thinking, rationality, and holistic student development.

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