Context: Recently, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated India’s first glass bridge over the sea, connecting Tiruvalluvar Statue and Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari.
Key Facts:
- Dimensions: The bridge spans 77 meters in length and 10 meters in width, providing a unique vantage point of the sea.
- Enhanced Visitor Experience: Visitors can now walk across the bridge, offering uninterrupted views and eliminating the need for ferry trips between the two landmarks.
- Significant Investment: Built at a cost of ₹37 crore, the bridge represents a major investment in Kanyakumari’s tourism infrastructure.
- Visionary Project: This project aligns with the vision to boost tourism and modernize the region’s amenities.
- Advanced Construction Technology: The bridge is designed to withstand marine conditions like corrosion and strong winds, ensuring durability and safety.
- Tourist Attraction: It is set to become a landmark attraction, offering visitors a safe and scenic route between the two iconic monuments.
About Thiruvalluvar Statue:
- It is located in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, on a rock near the Vivekananda Rock Memorial.
- The state government has officially named the towering statue the “Statue of Wisdom.”
- Height: 133 feet (41 meters) in total (statue + pedestal).
- Statue height: 95 feet (29 meters).
- Pedestal height: 38 feet (12 meters).
- Weight: The statue weighs 7000 tonnes.
- Design: Created by sculptor V. Ganapathi Sthapathi in Indian architectural style; hollow inside.
- Inauguration: Dedicated on January 1, 2000, by Tamil Nadu’s then Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
About Vivekananda Rock Memorial:
- It is Located on a rock in the sea, about 500 meters from the mainland, in Kanyakumari.
- It was erected in 1970 in honor of Swami Vivekananda, who represented India’s spiritual legacy at the 1893 Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago.
- The rock is believed to be where Swami Vivekananda attained enlightenment.
- It is also said to be the site where goddess Kanyakumari prayed to Lord Shiva, and an imprint of her feet is preserved on the rock.
- The memorial blends various architectural styles, including the Sripada Mandapam and Vivekananda Mandapam.
- A life-sized bronze statue of Swami Vivekananda is located at the memorial.
- The rock is surrounded by the Laccadive Sea, where the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea converge.