
Indian customs officials seized a consignment of dual-use items, being shipped from China to Pakistan. 

More on news

  • The Custom Officials at Nhava Sheva Port (JNPT) Mumbai seized dual-use items being shipped from China to Pakistan that could be used in Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme. 
  • Seized items were two advanced Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery. North Korea had in the past used CNC machines in its nuclear programme. 
  • The restrictions on the international transfer of CNC machines were put in place by the Wassenaar Arrangement since 1996. 
  • The equipment seized would also be useful in manufacturing critical parts for Pakistan’s missile development programme, thus strengthening the apprehensions that Pakistan is continuing the illegal trade of missiles and violating the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) .

Dual-use goods

  • Dual-use goods are items that can be used both for civilian and military applications.
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery is one of the dual use items.

Pakistan’s perspective

  • Pakistan condemned it and called it India’s “high-handedness” and the “unjustified seizure” of “commercial goods”.

China’s response

  • Seized materials by no means a piece of military equipment or a dual-use item covered by China’s non-proliferation export control regime. 

Multilateral Export Control Regimes 

  • Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
    It is an informal political understanding among states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.
    It was formed in 1987 by the G-7 industrialized countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the United States).
    India has been a member of the MTCR since 2016. It is a 35-member group. 
  • Wassenaar Arrangement
     It is a global export control regime that curbs the spread of items with dual civilian and military applications. 
     Formally established in July 1996, it is a voluntary export control regime whose 42 members exchange information on transfers of conventional weapons and dual-use goods and technologies. 
    India joined the Wassenaar Arrangement in December 2017 as the 42nd member.
  • Australian Group
    It is a multilateral export control regime that works to impede the proliferation of chemical and biological weapon.
    The number of participants has now expanded to 43 (42 countries and the European Union).
    India joined the Australia Group (AG) in January 2018
  • Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) 
    It seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports.
    It came into existence in 1974 as a response 
    India is not a member of the group. 

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