
Recently, the Assam government has decided to implement most recommendations of clause 6 of Assam Accord.

More on the news 

  • The Assam government has decided to implement 57 of the 67 recommendations of the committee headed by Justice (retired) Biplab Sarma appointed by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to apply Clause 6 of the Assam Accord.
  • The remaining 10 of the 67 recommendations are under the purview of the Centre and will be taken up later conveniently. 
  • According to CM, these recommendations would help in ensuring a ‘Suraksha Chakra’ (ring of constitutional protection) for the Assamese people, specifically land rights.

Background of the decision

  • This decision followed a renewed movement across eastern Assam for protecting the rights of the khilonjia or Indigenous communities (Non-tribal communities living in Assam) against the “aggression” of the non-Assamese and other bohiragata (outsiders). 
  • The movement was triggered by the alleged gang-rape of a minor girl by Bengali Muslims in central Assam’s Dhing on August 22.
  • The demand for implementing Clause 6 gained momentum during the passing of the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act in 2019.

Biplab Sarma committee

  • A 13-member high-level committee was constituted under the chairmanship of the Biplab Sarma in 2019 for implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam Accord which submitted its report in 2020.

Clause 6 of the Assam Accord

  • Constitutional, legislative and administrative safeguards, as may be appropriate shall be provided to protect, preserve and promote the culture, social linguistic identity and heritage of the Assamese people.

Khilonjia Tribe: 

  • It comprises communities such as Bodo, the largest plains tribe in the northeast, Deuri, Dimasa, Rabha, Sonowal Kachari, Thengal Kachari and Tiwa.

Assam Accord

  • It was signed in August 1985 to mark the end of a violent six-year agitation to eject “illegal foreigners” from the State.
  • Accord was signed amongst the Union of India, Govt. of Assam, All Assam Students of Union, and All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad. 
  • To implement the various Clauses of Accord a new Department has been established in the name of “Implementation of Assam Accord Department” during the year 1986. 
  • Most of the clauses of this accord were implemented but successive governments avoided Clause 6 for guaranteeing “constitutional, legislative and administrative safeguards” to the Assamese people.
  • One of the reasons was that there has been no consensus on “who is an Assamese” in the multi-ethnic State.  

Way Ahead

  • A group of ministers will discuss the 57 recommendations with the All Assam Students’ Union and other organizations involved in the Assam Agitation to reach an agreement.
  • Approval will be sought from the Bodoland Territorial Region, the Dima Hasao Autonomous Council, and the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council to respect their language, culture, and traditions.
  • Similar approval will be obtained from the people of the Bengali-majority Barak Valley.
  • The 57 recommendations will be put into effect immediately across the state, except in the Sixth Schedule areas and the Barak Valley, where further approvals are required first.

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