
Researchers from the Agharkar Research Institute (ARI) in Pune, an autonomous institute of Department of Science and Technology (DST) have developed a highly porous spongy xerogel dressing that incorporates silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) and calcium, significantly improving blood clotting rates. 

Addressing Severe Hemorrhage:

  • Uncontrolled hemorrhage is the leading cause of death in traumatic injuries, accounting for over 40% of fatalities, highlighting the critical need for effective bleeding control measures in emergencies.
  • Current first-aid measures like gauze and the body’s natural clotting mechanisms often prove insufficient in stemming severe bleeding, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions.

Features of the Xerogel Dressing:

  • The dressing’s porous structure rapidly absorbs blood, while its unique composition enhances calcium release and platelet aggregation, key factors in clot formation.
  • In laboratory tests, the xerogel dressing demonstrated a remarkable 13-fold increase in blood clotting ability.
  • Its porous structure, featuring pores around 30 µm size, contributes to high absorbency and rapid blood uptake.
  • The supplements improved the clotting capacity and resulted in quick absorbance of blood
  • The xerogel hemostatic dressing showed enhanced platelet aggregation due to the development of well-formed pseudopodia in the activated platelets resulting in agglutination which plays a major role in the clotting process.

Potential Impact on Trauma Care:

  • The study indicates that this xerogel dressing can significantly reduce blood loss, disability, and mortality during surgical procedures and trauma care.
  • This innovative dressing could become a vital tool in emergency medical situations, addressing the urgent need for effective hemostatic solutions.
  • Public education and training programs, such as the Stop the Bleed Campaign, are crucial for empowering bystanders and first responders to provide effective bleeding control techniques and improve survival outcomes for victims of traumatic injuries.
  • While further research and clinical trials are necessary, the potential impact of this innovation on trauma care is immense. It represents a significant step forward in the ongoing battle to save lives.

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