
Recently there has been a debate on the role of the relationship between Gender and Caste in the continuance of the marginalization of women

In the complex fabric of Indian society, the interplay between caste, patriarchy, and gender norms is evident in various aspects of life, notably in the institution of marriage. There is a need to understand the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of these intersections, exploring their impact on the lives of women and the broader social fabric.

Caste: Caste is a system of social stratification and division of a society into a hierarchy, where mobility is restricted through systems such as endogamy and the concept of purity and pollution.

Caste and Marriage: 

Caste, as a social construct, is characterized by endogamous groups that emphasize the significance of marriage for the preservation and expansion of each caste. This closed descent group system is maintained through generational transmission and relies on endogamy as a means of reproducing and perpetuating caste boundaries.

Gendered Dimensions of Endogamy:

  • Endogamy ritualizes female sexuality, reinforcing hierarchical orders within castes.
  • Marriage, as an exchange of women between kin or clan groups, signifies gender inequality in kin relationships.
  • Marriage serves as a tool for men to establish a monopoly on sexual access to women, perpetuating the exchange of women ritual.

Endogamy’s Role in Social Stratification:

  • Endogamy aids in maintaining the separation and boundaries of caste groups through generational reproduction.
  • The main purpose is to maintain the purity of descent/lineage, aimed at preserving social and economic privileges within a caste.

Brahmanical Patriarchy

Brahmanical patriarchy, rooted in the rule of elder men, imposes control over women and younger men through texts and coercive power, influencing upper-caste women with the ideals of chaste wives and sacrificial mothers.

Historical Development:

  • From early civilization to the Gupta period, the caste system and patriarchy evolved, intertwined with changes in agrarian relations and state formation. Manu-smriti provided the ideological basis for the Brahmanical order, solidifying caste and patriarchal structures.

Honor Killings: Caste, Gender, and Love

  • Impact of Urbanization and Marketization: While some upper-caste practices have become less frequent, the endogamous marriage system persists, leading to increased incidents of honor killings.
  • Violations Leading to “Honour Killings”: Breaches of traditional norms related to women’s sexuality, such as eloping or refusing arranged marriages, trigger honor killings. Control over women’s sexuality is a powerful tool in maintaining social hierarchy.
  • Family Honour and Violence: Family honor justifies both protection and violence against women, with domestic violence linked to social hierarchies.

Challenges for Gender vis-a-vis Caste: 

  • Economic Disparities and Occupational Stereotyping: Caste-based occupations often intersect with gender roles, restricting women’s economic opportunities. Women from marginalized castes in socially backward regions may be confined to traditional, low-paying occupations, reinforcing economic inequalities.
  • Violence and Discrimination: Caste-based violence can disproportionately affect women, subjecting them to both gender-based and caste-based discrimination. Incidents of Dalit women facing sexual violence, as reported in various parts of India, exemplify the intersectionality of gender and caste challenges.
  • Social Stigma and Honor Killings: Inter-caste marriages, especially when involving women, may face societal resistance and, in extreme cases, lead to honor killings.
  • Intersectional Vulnerability to Trafficking: Incidences of trafficking, particularly in regions marked by caste-based discrimination, demonstrate the compounded challenges faced by Dalit women.

Government Initiatives:

Political Measures:

  • Reservation Policies: Implementation of reservation policies for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) in educational institutions and government jobs.

Economic Empowerment:

  • Post-Matric Scholarship for SC Students: Providing financial assistance to students belonging to Scheduled Castes for pursuing post-matriculation education.
  • National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM): Empowering rural women by enhancing their skills and capacities to access income-generating opportunities.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Fellowship Scheme: Providing financial support to Scheduled Caste students pursuing higher education, encouraging meritorious students from marginalized communities.

Social Empowerment:

  • Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): Empowering rural women through community participation to realize their full potential and contribute to the nation’s development.
  • Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM): Focusing on empowering women in rural areas by promoting clean and accessible sanitation facilities.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme: Addressing gender-biased sex selection and ensuring the survival, protection, and education of the girl child.
  • Ujjwala Yojana: Providing free LPG connections to women from below-poverty-line households, contributing to the economic empowerment of economically disadvantaged sections.

Way Forward:

  • Community Engagement: Foster community engagement initiatives that empower marginalized groups, including women from different castes. Encourage dialogue, awareness campaigns, and community-led programs to challenge stereotypes and discriminatory practices.
  • Education and Skill Development: Enhance educational opportunities for marginalized communities, particularly women. Implement targeted scholarship programs, vocational training, and skill development initiatives to bridge the education and skill gap, enabling economic independence.
  • Access to Healthcare: Improve access to healthcare services for women from marginalized castes. Establish health programs that address specific health concerns prevalent in these communities, ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage and awareness.
  • Legal Reforms: Work towards legal reforms that specifically address gender and caste-based discrimination. Strengthen and enforce laws protecting the rights of women from marginalized castes, ensuring swift justice and accountability for perpetrators.

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Equal access to SCs
