Recently, The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) announced that eSankhyiki, platform for statistical data, contains 134 million records after seven months of its launch.
About eSankhyiki
- Launched on National Statistics Day 29th June 2024.
- The e-Sankhyiki portal is designed as a comprehensive platform for efficiently managing and sharing official statistics, ensuring seamless and widespread dissemination of data across the country.
- This milestone underscores India’s commitment to evidence-based policymaking and global statistical leadership.
- It offers user-friendly dashboards that allow users to filter, visualize, and export data through APIs, making it easily accessible to researchers, policymakers, businesses, and the general public.
- It offers time-series data for key macroeconomic indicators, with tools for filtering and visualizing trends.
- Users can download customised datasets and visualisations and access them through APIs, enhancing the data’s reusability.
Key Modules of e-Sankhyiki
- The e-Sankhyiki Portal comprises two modules designed to facilitate easy access and re-use of data.
- Data Catalogue Module
- This module catalogs the Ministry’s major data assets, simplifying users’ access.
- It allows users to search datasets and tables, download relevant data, and maximize its value and reusability.
- The Data Catalogue includes seven core data products:
- Consumer Price Index
- Index of Industrial Production
- National Accounts Statistics
- Periodic Labour Force Survey
- Annual Survey of Industries
- Household Consumption Expenditure Survey
- Multiple Indicator Survey
- It hosts over 2,300 datasets, each accompanied by specific metadata and visualisations for user convenience.
- Macro Indicators Module
- This module provides time series data on key macro indicators, featuring tools for filtering and visualizing data.
- It allows users to download custom datasets, generate visualizations, and share data through APIs, promoting greater reusability.
- The initial phase of this module cover data from the past decade includes four major MoSPI products:
- National Accounts Statistics
- Consumer Price Index
- Index of Industrial Production
- Annual Survey of Industries
- This success reflects India’s role as a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and its dedication to global statistical standards and open data.
- The platform highlights India’s commitment to promoting data-driven governance and sustainable development.
- MoSPI plans to expand the data repository, introduce AI-powered search, and add features like personalized dashboards and interactive infographics to improve user experience.