
Hyderabad-based start-up HYLENR has demonstrated the world’s first cold fusion technology to generate Clean Energy.

More on the News

  • This innovation has received a patent from the Government of India for its Low Energy Nuclear Reactor (LENR) Technology.
  • HYLENR’s LENR technology is a promising alternative for power generation. It amplifies input electricity to produce heat for space applications Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (MMRTG), and steam generation for multiple applications.
    In a live demonstration, the product achieves a consistent 1.5 times heat amplification (150 watts equivalent heat) from a 100W electrical input. 
  • Also, HYLENR devices can drastically decrease the risk profile of space missions, according to the company. 

How does it work?

  • HYLENR’s reactors utilize Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (LENR known as “cold fusion”) by applying milligrams of hydrogen and a small volume of electricity to stimulate and generate excess heat through fusion. 
  • The Low Energy Reactors can produce significantly more heat than the input energy, making it a game-changing technology for power generation.
  • The proposed approach leverages LENR to amplify electricity from renewable and non-renewable sources, ultimately aiming for a 2.5 times power output increase.

Significance of the innovation 

  • LERN produce ultra-clean, low-cost renewable energy that has strong national security implications.
  • LENR is a disruptive technology that could revolutionize energy production and storage.
  • HYLENR’s LENR devices eliminate the need for radioactive materials like plutonium-238, drastically decreasing the risk profile for space missions.

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