Recently, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) notified amendment in the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
Key Highlights of Amendment:
- The government aims to make business operations easier by focusing on Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) in India.
- The government wants to involve businesses, experts, and other stakeholders in decision-making.
- Stakeholders will have a chance to provide their opinions and suggestions before new policies or changes are introduced.
- This Amendment will insert Para 1.07A and Para 1.07B in Para 1.07 of Foreign Trade Policy 2023.

Para 1.07A: Consultation with Stakeholders
- For foreign trade policy formulation purposes, the Central Government may seek views, suggestions, comments or feedback from relevant stakeholders, including importers/exporters/industry experts concerning formulation, and incorporation of specific provisions or amendments in the Foreign Trade Policy and may extend this suggestion time period for 30 days.
- Central Government also reserves the right to Suo moto formulate, amend or incorporate any specific provision in the policy without seeking suggestions or any feedback from stakeholders.
Para 1.07B: Soliciting of views, suggestions, comments or feedback
- Central government may provide reasons for not considering the views, suggestions or feedback under Para 1.07A.
- Provided that the Central government withhold disclosing reasons for the following reasons: –
- If it may adversely affect trade relations with any foreign country.
- If it may adversely affect the food, economic or national security of India.
- It would require the disclosure of confidential or classified information.
- If it addresses matters unrelated to trade or serves narrow, private or special interests to the detriment of or contrary to the broader public interest.
- If it conflicts with any government policies, strategic programs, international obligations, commitments or long-term plans and would undermine the objectives of such policies or programs