
The Government of India introduced the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) for the first time in the field of science, technology, and innovation.

Rashtriya Vigan Puraskar 


  • These awards shall be announced on National Technology Day (11th May) every year.
  • The award ceremony shall be held every year on National Space Day (23rd August) and conferred by the Hon’ble President or the Hon’ble Vice President of India.
  • These awards do not amount to titles within the meaning of Article 18(1) of the constitution of India.


  • To recognize the significant contributions of scientists, technologists, and innovators in various fields of science and technology. 
  • Awarded in four distinct categories:It is one of India’s highest honors in these areas. 

Awarded in four distinct categories:

  • Vigyan Ratna (VR) Award: This is the highest honour, awarded for lifetime achievements in any field of science and technology. It is awarded only to Prof. Govindarajan Padmanabhan in the field of biological sciences this year. No age limit and a maximum of 3 awards annually.
  • Vigyan Shri (VS) Award: Recognizes distinguished contributions in any field of science and technology. This year it was awarded to 13 distinguished scientists. No age limit and a maximum of 25 awards annually.
  • Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (VY-SSB) Award: To honour young scientists who have made exceptional contributions to science and technology. This year it was awarded to 19 distinguished scientists. Up to 45 year and a maximum of 25 awards annually.
  • Vigyan Team (VT) Award: Given to a team of three or more scientists/researchers/innovators who have made significant contributions in their field through collaborative work. It was awarded to ISRO – Team Chandrayaan 3 in the field of Space Science and Technology. No age limit and a maximum of 3 awards annually.


  • It includes individuals or teams from government and private sectors, as well as those outside any organization, who have made notable advancements through research, innovation, or discovery.
  • Additionally, People of Indian Origin living abroad who have positively impacted Indian communities are also eligible for the award.
  • The awards cover a wide range of scientific fields, including:
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biological Sciences
  • Mathematics & Computer Science
  • Earth Science
  • Medicine
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Agricultural Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Technology & Innovation
  • Atomic Energy
  • Space Science and Technology

Nomination Process

  • The nominations are submitted online through the Rashtriya Puraskar Portal. 
  • Both self-nominations and nominations by others are accepted, making the process inclusive and accessible.
  • All nomination are placed before Rashtriya Vigyan Puruskar Committee (RVPC) (Constituted every year) for the selection process. 
  • RVPC member are not eligible for the awards during their tenure.

Posthumous Cases

  • The award shall not be conferred posthumously. However, if the person proposed to be honoured, has passed away recently (within a year), the Government may consider giving an award posthumously in exceptional cases.

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