
Recently, Vishanu Yuddh Abhyas” (Virus War Exercise), was conducted under the National One Health Mission (NOHM).

More on the news

  • It is a comprehensive national mock drill, that was conducted in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan, from August 27 to August 31, 2024, to assess pandemic preparedness.
  • This exercise aimed to evaluate the readiness and response of the National Joint Outbreak Response Team (NJORT) composed of experts on human health, animal husbandry and wildlife sectors. 
  • A mock zoonotic disease outbreak scenario was created to simulate a real-world outbreak.
  • Zoonotic diseases are infectious illnesses that spread between animals and humans. Bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi and prions can cause zoonotic diseases.
  • This is a first-of-its-kind exercise, highlighting the role of One Health Mission by fostering collaborations to address the health of humans, animals and plants.
  • The drill involved multiple stakeholders, including the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Rajasthan State’s Directorate of Health Services (DHS) etc.

The drill was structured around two key components: 

a) Investigation and identification of the virus responsible for the mock outbreak.

b) Actions initiated to control the spread of illness across human and animal populations. Independent observers monitored the response.

Significance of the exercise

  • It provided valuable insights into the future strategies to enhance India’s preparedness and response to zoonotic disease outbreaks, promoting a coordinated and efficient approach across all relevant sectors.

National One Health Mission (NOHM)

  • The National One Health Mission stresses collaborative and integrated research and development for medical countermeasures including vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics against pathogens with an outbreak potential. 
  • NOHM is based on the concept of ‘One Health’ approach that integrates human, animal and environmental health to tackle emerging diseases.
  • Thirteen Ministries/Departments coordinate and synergise their activities to realise the objectives of the NOHM, which is steered by the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India along with key stakeholders.

The key pillars of the NOHM are:

  • Technology-enabled integrated surveillance across sectors.
  • National network of Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories (for testing high-risk or unknown pathogens).
  • Collaborative and integrated R&D for medical countermeasures including vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics for human-animal-wildlife-livestock health.
  • Data integration across sectors.
  • Training and capacity building in all spheres related to One Health.

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