
Recently, The Chief of Defence (CDS) released a joint doctrine to guide commanders in cyberspace operations.

More on the news

  • The Chief of Defence (CDS), Gen. Anil Chauhan, released the Joint Doctrine for Cyberspace Operations during the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) meeting in New Delhi.
  • It emphasises understanding military aspects of cyberspace operations and provides conceptual guidance to commanders, staff and practitioners in the planning and conducting operations in cyberspace. 
  • According to the statement, Cyberspace operations must be integrated into the national security framework to develop the goals, methods, and resources necessary to gain an advantage in all other operational domains.

Significance of the Joint Doctrine

  • “Unlike territorial limits in the domains of land, sea, and air, cyberspace is a global common and hence has shared sovereignty. 
  • Hostile actions in cyberspace can impact the nation’s economy, cohesion, political decision making and the nation’s ability to defend itself. 
  • It emphasises understanding military aspects of cyberspace operations and provides conceptual guidance to commanders, staff and practitioners in the planning and conducting operations in cyberspace. It will also raise awareness in our warfighters at all levels.
  • Joint doctrine and integration among the three services were prerequisites to creating functionally integrated theatre commands, a long-standing and crucial reform for the best use of the military’s resources.

Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)

The Chief of Defence Staff is the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the Indian Armed Services. The duties and functions of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) include the following:

  • To head the Department of Military Affairs in the Ministry of Defence and function as its Secretary.
  • To act as the Principal Military Advisor to the Minister of Defence on all Tri-Service matters.
  • To function as the Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee
  • To administer the Tri-Service organisations/agencies/commands.
  • To be a member of the Defence Acquisition Council chaired by the Minister of Defence.
  • To function as the Military Advisor to the Nuclear Command Authority. 

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