
The 2nd edition of India-Egypt Joint Special Forces Exercise CYCLONE will be conducted at Anshas, Egypt from 22nd January to 1st February 2024.

About Exercise CYCLONE: 

  • Aim: To acquaint both sides with each other’s operating procedures in the backdrop of Special Operations in desert/ semi-desert terrain 
  • It is designed to develop bilateral military cooperation and strengthen the bond between two armies through the conduct of discussions and rehearsal of tactical military drills. 
  • The Exercise will involve planning and execution of special operations in sub conventional domain. 

• It will be conducted in three phases:

  • Phase I: It will include Military Exhibitions and Tactical Interactions. 
  • Phase II: It will focus on training on Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), counter-IED IED, and Combat First Aid. 
  • Phase III: It will encompass Joint Tactical Exercise based on Fighting in Built-up Area and Hostage Rescue Scenarios.

About India-Egypt relations:

  • India and Egypt, two of the world’s oldest civilizations, have had a long history of close contact. 
  • The edicts of Ashoka refer to his relations with Egypt under Ptolemy II. 
  • In modern times, the countries’ relationship flourished under President Nasser and Prime Minister Nehru, who were close friends; both countries signed a Friendship Treaty in 1955. 

• Relations Political: 

  • Both countries have worked closely together in multilateral fora and are founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement. 
  • The year 2023 marks the 76th anniversary of India-Egypt diplomatic relations. 

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Indian National Army (INA)
