Recently, SEBI launched ‘Dharohar – Milestones in the Indian Securities Market,’ a digital knowledge repository that highlights the history and evolution of India’s securities market.
About Dharohar
- The platform features an interactive website with key events, featuringarticles, event timelines, interviews, images, infographics, and videos.
- Aimed at being a public resource to preserve and showcase the history of the Indian securities market.
- Highlights over 150 years of organized trading in India, now one of the world’s leading markets.
- Web-based platform accessible to all, documenting the market’s growth.
- Focuses on the transformation of the market, including products, processes, infrastructure, regulations, and milestones.
- It aims to preserve, document, and showcase the heritage of Indian securities markets for education, awareness, research, and knowledge among the public, researchers, and students.
About SEBI
- The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was constituted as a non-statutory body on April 12, 1988 through a resolution by the Government of India.
- SEBI became a statutory body in 1992, with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992) coming into force on January 30, 1992.
- The Preamble of SEBI outlines its basic functions:
- To protect the interests of investors in securities.
- To promote the development of and regulate the securities market.
- To address matters connected with or incidental to these functions.
- Its journey marks 35 years of continuous efforts to build a cost-effective, transparent, and sustainable capital formation ecosystem for the country.