The central government Revenue Secretary Sanjay Malhotra as the new Governor of the Reserve Bank of India for a three-year term.
More On News:
- Sanjay Malhotra is an IAS officer from the 1990 Rajasthan cadre and is the 26th person to hold this position.
- He has played a significant role in shaping India’s financial landscape.
- He has a Computer Science degree from IIT Kanpur and a Master’s in Public Policy from Princeton University, USA.
RBI Governor Appointment
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the country’s central bank, responsible for regulating the banking system, issuing the Indian rupee, controlling inflation, and acting as the government’s banker.
- The RBI operates under the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
- RBI Governor Appointment:
- The RBI governor is appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), based on the Finance Minister’s recommendation.
- The Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee (FSRASC) conducts interviews for the role.
- FSRASC members: Cabinet secretary, RBI governor, financial services secretary, and two independent members.
- After the committee’s selection, the name is sent to the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (headed by the Prime Minister) for final approval.
- Deputy Governors:
- The governor and up to four deputy governors are appointed by the central government under the RBI Act.
- Their term is for up to 5 years, which can be extended.
- The deputy governors include:
- Two from within RBI,
- One from a commercial bank,
- One economist for monetary policy.
- RBI Board and Management:
- The salaries and allowances of the governor and deputy governors are determined by the RBI’s central board, with the approval of the government.
- The RBI’s central board includes:
- The RBI governor and up to four deputy governors,
- Nominated non-official directors from various fields,
- Directors from four local boards representing different regions of India.
- Powers in Case of Absence:
- If the governor is absent or incapacitated, a deputy governor nominated by the governor takes over the duties of the governor.
- The central board has general superintendence and direction over the affairs of the RBI, as per Section 7 of the RBI Act.
About RBI:
- The Reserve Bank of India was established on 1st April 1935 under the RBI Act, of 1934.
- On 1st January 1949, RBI was Nationalised.
- Sir C. D. Deshmukh was the first Indian Governor of RB