
Bangladesh celebrated the 250th birth anniversary of the mystic saint and humanist bard Fakir Lalan Shah.

More on the news

  • To commemorate this significant event, a three-day music festival celebrating Indo-Bangla music was held in Sherpur, Bangladesh.
  • This event is organised in collaboration with the High Commission of India in Bangladesh and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Bangladesh. 

Fakir Lalon Shah (1774-1890)

  • Fakir Lalon Shah, also known as Lalon Shah, Lalon Fakir, or Mahatma Lalon, was a prominent Bengali philosopher, Baul saint, mystic, song composer, social reformer and thinker from the Indian subcontinent.
  • He had no formal education and came from the poor peasant class.
  • He was regarded as a preceptor of Baul asceticism, composer and singer of Baul songs.
  • Lalon initiated Baul doctrine with Siraj Sanyi and devoted himself to austere ascetic practice.
  • He composed nearly two thousand five hundred devotional songs, all written in a simple yet profound language.
  • His songs address themes of human life, humanism, and a non-sectarian attitude, making them both significant and enduring.

About Baul tradition

  • The Bauls are mystic minstrels living in rural Bangladesh and West Bengal, India.
  • Bauls live either near a village or travel from place to place and earn their living from singing to the accompaniment of the ektara, the lute dotara, a simple one-stringed instrument, and a drum called dubki.
  • Bauls belong to an unorthodox devotional tradition, influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, Bengali, Vasinavism and Sufi Islam, expressing their spiritual yearning through music and dance.
  • Bauls neither identify with any organized religion nor with the caste system, special deities, temples or sacred places.
  • Baul songs were inscribed in 2008 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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